Cantori Gregoriani

The group and its conductor

The group and its conductor. Cantori Gregoriani is a vocal ensemble of male voices which, since 1985, has been exclusively focused on the study and dissemination of Gregorian chant. Being entirely made up of specialists, the ensemble bases its executive proposal on semiological investigation, that is, on the study of ancient manuscript sources dating back to the 10th-11th centuries. The interpretative proposal of the group intends to highlight, through the tools of semiology, the expressive power of Gregorian chant via a correct musical representation of the ancient exegetical tradition of sacred texts.

Founder and conductor of the group is Fulvio Rampi who, after achieving his degree in Gregorian chant under the guidance of Luigi Agustoni and serving as chapel master of the Cremona Cathedral, is currently a professor of Prepolyphony at the Conservatory of Turin and the conductor of the Sicardo Choir in Cremona.

Artistic activity

The group has intensely performed in Italy and abroad (Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Lebanon, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland) at the invitation of important musical and cultural associations. From 1995 to 1998, the ensemble has collected four tours in Japan with performances in the main cities (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Kumamoto, Nagano, Yokohama). The group has participated in the Moscow Orthodox Music Festival with a concert in the Great Hall of the “Tchaikovsky” Conservatory, being the only Gregorian chant ensemble which was invited to be present on the occasion. It has held concerts in the “Festival dei due mondi” in Spoleto, in the “Monteverdi Festival” in Cremona, in the “Ravenna Festival”, in the “Anima Mundi” in Pisa, in the MiTo Festival. In 2013, the Cantori performed at the prestigious Salzburg Festival and again at the "Monteverdi Festival" in Cremona alongside with the Tallis Scholars.


In addition to a vast recording production on behalf of important Italian and foreign recording companies (Rusty Records, PDU-EMI, JVC Japan, Paoline, Sarx Records, ARCANA-WDR), the choir has recorded, over the years, for the Swiss Radio Suisse Romande, for the German WDR and for the Austrian ORF and Japanese NHK televisions.

The group also collaborated, in 2011 and 2012, with TV2000 on the production of numerous episodes of the program “Sunday with Benedict XVI”; to crown the 25th year of activity, Cantori Gregoriani has recorded a new CD containing the medieval office of Saints Omobono and Imerio, patrons of Cremona.


The "itinerant" liturgical dimension, an indispensable presence in the choir's activities and programming, finds its annual apex in its now traditional presence in Innsbruck-Hall in Tirol for the Gregorian chant liturgies on Friday and Holy Saturday.

Publications and teaching

As evidence of the attention and active participation in the lively historical phase of the recovery of Gregorian chant, the association created in 1993 the specialist magazine "Note Gregoriane" [PDF, 1,6Mb] and, since 1996, its members hold courses of Gregorian chant in Milan, Cremona and Rovigo. Its educational activities find the enthusiastic participation of musicians, choir conductors, liturgical operators and singers from all over Italy. In 2015, on the occasion of its 30th year of activity, the ensemble published the manual "At the school of Gregorian chant" (ed. Musidora), edited by F. Rampi and with the contribution of various authors. [PDF, 0,3Mb].


Angelo Corno
Enrico De Capitani
Giorgio Merli
Alessandro Riganti
Francesco Spadari
Roberto Spremulli

Conductor: Fulvio Rampi

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