The singers
Alessandro Riganti
Born in Solbiate Arno in 1962, he began studying the piano privately, obtaining a license in musical theory and solfeggio at the G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan 1979. He has been a subscriptor to SIAE as a singer-songwriter since 1984. Between 86 and '91 he attended the Pontifical Ambrosian Institute of Sacred Music in Milan, at the school of Fulvio Rampi, obtaining the Magisterium in Gregorian Chant and at the same time a place in the ensemble Cantori Gregoriani since its foundation (1986). Still under the conduction of Maestro Rampi, he sang from 1999 to 2010 in the Musical Chapel of the Cathedral of Cremona and later in the Sicardo Choir.
He also carried out teaching activities as an instructor of music, religion and in the summer course "The sound of the Word" organized by the Cantori Gregoriani from 1996 to 2004 in Milan and Rovigo, and was part of the editorial board of the magazine "Note Gregoriane".
In 1995 he founded the “Ex Novo Theater Company” and in 2008 the Gregorian and Ambrosian chant ensemble “Antiqua Laus”, of which he is the permanent conductor.
He authored several articles of analysis and transcription of chant in square notation published in the first two volumes of the Quaderni di Storia del Territorio Varesino: "San Sebastiano" (2011) and "Monasteri Fruttuariensi del Seprio" (2012) and the Ambrosian Antiphonary, Code B - 12th century preserved in the rectory of San Vittore - Bedero Valtravaglia.
He has been a liturgical animator for the parish of San Maurizio in Solbiate Arno for over 40 years and has had a lasting collaboration with Don Antonio Mazzi, founder of the EXODUS foundation, and with maestro Giancarlo Parodi, an internationally renowned organist, with whom he has shared several concert projects and recordings.
Since 2019 he has collaborated with the Liturgical Pastoral Service of the Diocese of Milan as a teacher of Ambrosian Chant during the Te Laudamus school.
Married since 1986, he has 2 children and with his wife Monica shares the activity of artisan upholsterer.